Troy (2004)


Troy (2004)
  • песен12песен

Песни из фильма Троя (Troy (2004))

  • James Horner3200 Years Ago
  • James HornerTroy
  • James HornerAchilles Leads the Myrmidons
  • James HornerThe Temple of Poseidon
  • James HornerThe Night Before
  • James HornerThe Greek Army and Its Defeat
  • James HornerBriseis and Achilles
  • James HornerThe Trojans Attack
  • James HornerHector's Death
  • James HornerThe Wooden Horse and the Sacking of Troy
  • James HornerThrough the Fires, Achilles...And Immortality
  • Josh GrobanRemember

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