Gilmore Girls

Девочки Гилмор

Сезон 7 / Эпизод 7

    Francoise HardyCe Petit Coeur
    What Made Milwaukee FamousSelling Yourself Short
    Jane BirkinL'anamour (Live au Palace 2009)
    Daniel MayYou and Me (as Heard On Veronica Mars)
    Daniel MayWhat a Time It Was (as Heard On Gilmore Girls)
    SladeCum On Feel the Noize
    Carole KingWhere You Lead
    The Mighty Lemon DropsInside Out
    P!nkGet the Party Started
    QueenWe Are the Champions
    Bon JoviLivin' On a Prayer
    Culture ClubDo You Really Want to Hurt Me
    Celine DionMy Heart Will Go On
    Pizzicato Five20th Century Girl
    Sam PhillipsTell Her What She Wants to Know
    The DecemberistsThe Perfect Crime #2
    Kenny GSongbird
    Jay And The AmericansCome A Litte Bit Closer
    The CureBoys Don't Cry
    Paul WesterbergMr. Rabbit
    Kool & The GangCelebration
    Missy ElliottWork It
    Sir Edward ElgarPomp and Circumstance
    Jay & The AmericansCome a Little Bit Closer
    JewelWho Will Save Your Soul
    Steve Miller BandThe Joker
    Skid Row18 and Life

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