Dear John

Дорогой Джон

Dear John
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Песни из фильма Дорогой Джон (Dear John)

  • 311Amber
  • Joshua Radin & Schuyler FiskPaperweight
  • FinkThis Is the Thing
  • Amanda SeyfriedLittle House
  • Wailing SoulsThings & Time
  • Rosi GolanThink of Me
  • The DonkeysExcelsior Lady
  • Ryan AdamsAnswering Bell
  • OzomatliSaturday Night
  • Brian TichyDead in Your Tracks
  • Gaye Tolan HatfieldLet Her Gift Be Me
  • Brad HatfieldBallroom Ballad
  • The Swell SeasonThe Moon
  • Rachael Yamagata & Dan WilsonYou Take My Troubles Away
  • Snow Patrol & Martha WainwrightSet the Fire to the Third Bar
  • Snow PatrolSet the Fire to the Third Bar

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