Harry Potter and the Chamber of...

Гарри Поттер и тайная комната

Harry Potter and the Chamber of...
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Песни из фильма Гарри Поттер и тайная комната (Harry Potter and the Chamber of...)

  • John WilliamsPrologue: Book II / The Escape from the Dursleys
  • John WilliamsHarry's Wondrous World (Chamber of Secrets Version)
  • John WilliamsCornish Pixies
  • John WilliamsDueling the Basilisk
  • John WilliamsReunion of Friends
  • John WilliamsFawkes the Phoenix
  • John WilliamsThe Chamber of Secrets
  • John WilliamsIntroducing Colin
  • John WilliamsKnockturn Alley
  • John WilliamsThe Flying Car
  • John WilliamsGilderoy Lockhart
  • John WilliamsThe Spiders
  • John WilliamsDobby the House Elf
  • John WilliamsThe Dueling Club
  • John WilliamsPolyjuice Potion
  • John WilliamsFawkes Is Reborn
  • John WilliamsMeeting Aragog
  • John WilliamsMoaning Myrtle
  • John WilliamsZam the Assassin / The Chase Through Coruscant
  • John WilliamsCakes for Crabbe and Goyle
  • John WilliamsMeeting Tom Riddle

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