Harry Potter and the Prisoner of...

Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of...
  • песен27песен

Песни из фильма Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of...)

  • John WilliamsThe Knight Bus
  • John WilliamsAunt Marge's Waltz
  • John WilliamsLumos! (Hedwig's Theme)
  • Brand X MusicAnticipation
  • John WilliamsDouble Trouble
  • John WilliamsApparition on the Train
  • John WilliamsFinale
  • John WilliamsMischief Managed!
  • Alfred Hause's Tango OrchestraLa Cumparsita
  • Latin BandLa Raspa
  • John WilliamsThe Werewolf Scene
  • John WilliamsSaving Buckbeak
  • John WilliamsForward to Time Past
  • John WilliamsThe Dementors Converge
  • Uncredited (Written by Dick Walter)Hot Liquorice
  • Uncredited (Music by John Williams Lyrics by Cynthia Weil & Jamie Richardson)A Winter's Spell
  • Brand X MusicProgeny
  • John WilliamsLupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers
  • John WilliamsThe Patronus Light
  • John WilliamsBuckbeak's Flight
  • John WilliamsA Window to the Past
  • John WilliamsThe Whomping Willow and the Snowball Fight
  • John WilliamsSecrets of the Castle
  • John WilliamsThe Portrait Gallery
  • John WilliamsHagrid the Professor
  • John WilliamsMonster Books and Boggarts!
  • John WilliamsQuidditch, Third Year

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