Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's...

Гарри Поттер и философский камень

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's...
  • песен19песен

Песни из фильма Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's...)

  • John WilliamsMr. Longbottom Flies
  • John WilliamsHedwig's Theme
  • John WilliamsFluffy's Harp
  • John WilliamsChristmas at Hogwarts
  • John WilliamsThe Face of Voldemort
  • John WilliamsThe Invisibility Cloak / The Library Scene
  • John WilliamsLeaving Hogwarts
  • John WilliamsIn the Devil's Snare / The Flying Keys
  • John WilliamsThe Chess Game
  • John WilliamsThe Quidditch Match
  • John WilliamsEntry Into the Great Hall / The Banquet
  • John WilliamsHogwarts Forever! / The Moving Stairs
  • John WilliamsThe Norwegian Ridgeback / A Change of Season
  • John WilliamsHarry's Wondrous World
  • John WilliamsPrologue
  • John WilliamsDiagon Alley / The Gringotts Vault
  • John WilliamsPlatform Nine-and-Three-Quarters / The Journey to Hogwarts
  • John WilliamsThe Arrival of Baby Harry
  • John WilliamsVisit to the Zoo / Letters from Hogwarts

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