Steve Jobs (2015)

Стив Джобс

Steve Jobs (2015)
  • песен25песен

Песни из фильма Стив Джобс (Steve Jobs (2015))

  • Bob DylanThe Times They Are A-Changin'
  • Bob DylanRainy Day Women #12 & 35
  • Bob DylanMeet Me In the Morning
  • Joni MitchellBoth Sides Now
  • The LibertinesDon't Look Back into the Sun
  • The MaccabeesGrew up at Midnight
  • Bob DylanShelter from the Storm
  • Daniel PembertonThe Musicians Play Their Instruments...
  • Daniel PembertonIt's Not Working
  • Daniel PembertonChild (Father)
  • Daniel PembertonJack It Up
  • Daniel PembertonThe Circus of Machines I (Overture)
  • Daniel PembertonRussian Roulette
  • Daniel PembertonChange the World
  • Daniel PembertonThe Skylab Plan
  • Daniel Pemberton...I Play the Orchestra
  • Daniel PembertonThe Circus of Machines II (Allegro)
  • Daniel PembertonRevenge
  • Daniel PembertonIt's an Abstract
  • Daniel PembertonLife out of Balance
  • Daniel PembertonI Wrote Ticket to Ride
  • Daniel PembertonThe Nature of People
  • Daniel Pemberton1998. The New Mac.
  • Daniel PembertonFather (Child)
  • Daniel PembertonRemember

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